Blazing star

Mentzelia open_400_8469 copy (1)Come…walk with me. The day is ending, the shadows are lengthening, the sun’s rays are softer. The busiest part of your day is over. You don’t need to think so hard with your brain. It’s time to listen with your heart.

The path ahead is unclear. It’s okay if you’re a little confused. You can’t rely on the past for direction…and the future? It’s yours to create. You are a child in this new reality. You will learn by doing. Play, experiment, take risks.

My flowers are open in the in between times, after the bright light of day and before the dark of night. I’m here to teach you how to navigate the lights and shadows of your own existence on this planet.

I will support you. If you get stuck, I can help you get unstuck. I will help you through your transition. Look to your heart, your intuition. That’s where you’ll find your light. Your light, along with the light of others, is the blazing star that will guide you.