Blue Grama Grass

Seedheads on stock_450_Master_8606 copyWe kiss the Earth and hold it dear. Our roots protect the soil and we raise our seed banners up toward the sun. When the wind comes, our seeds fly into the air and populate the bare earth to start new communities of green life upon the land.

You, too, can bring new life to the planet. We can help you anchor to your heart and build a life you’ve never imagined. I invite you to share in my essence so you can feel at one with the Earth and find solace away from the busyness of your mind. Pachamama invites you to join in her evolution. Leave fear behind and embrace wholeness. When you emerge back into the world, you will be filled with light and inspiration. Seek out the other members of your community and spread the seeds of a new garden. You can create new forms that are in perfect harmony with all the beings sharing this planet with you.